Monday, October 15, 2012

How To Power Leveling Professions In MoP 5.0 ?

In Mists of Pandaria,leveling a profession is hard work, even for the most experienced WoW player. Leveling a profession in Mists of Pandaria is probably going to cost you a pretty penny, especially if you do it in a rush. While you probably won't make a profit while leveling your profession, you can at least work to offset the costs. Everything you create and/or gather Wow Gold can and should be sold if it is not useful to further leveling your profession. Here you'll see the guide for power leveling professions in MoP 5.0.

1. Farm Your Own Mats. Leveling a crafting profession can be an expensive process. Leveling a crafting profession IS an expensive process. Many players may even find that to earn the highest levels they will quite literally break the bank. The best way to offset the cost is to get out there and farm your own materials.

2. Set a Route. When leveling a gathering profession or collecting materials for a crafting profession in Mists of Pandaria it may be appealing to just jump all over the map in your search. This not only wastes time but will also likely result in the player missing out on many of the materials found in a zone. When collecting materials the player should set a route based on the highest levels of collectable materials in a zone. This route should be followed over and over again. Doing this will ensure that you have the best chance to collect as many materials as possible from a zone. Deviating from the path a tiny bit is not a problem, but always return to the route in the end. Remember, time is money and every second you spend running helter skelter from one end of the zone to the next for a single node is money and time lost.

3. Advertise Your Skills. Leveling a crafting profession in Mists of Pandaria, or any expansion for that matter, requires the player to create things. Creating things costs materials, materials cost money, and so on and so forth. To potentially save yourself the cost of materials, advertise your crafting skills in Trade Chat in major cities. Players who see your advertisement may then message you and provide you with the materials to create something for them. This not only saves you money for wow mists of pandaria gold, but also the time you would have spent collecting these materials. While advertising may be a complete wash sometimes, it takes so little time and energy (a simple macro to spam will do) that is is ultimately worth it. Free profession points are free profession points.

Theses are the best methods to power leveling professions in MoP 5.0. More information about wow guide or buy wow pandaria gold news, you can check out at .


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