Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Warriors Guides and Tactics on Wow Mists of Pandaria

Pandaren will be launched on September 25, this article will offer the latest Warriors guides and tactics on Wow Mists of Pandaria to help players perform better in the game.

Warriors are melee fighters highly trained in the arts of weaponry. They are strong and quick on the battlefield. Depending on their spec, a warrior can often deal very high damage, or be tough as nails to kill. Warrior abilities depend on rage generation. This is different to all but one melee class, which is the druid; specifically a druid in bear form. Rage is generated through damage being dealt to and by the warrior and is capped at 100. Warriors have several talents capable of aiding rage generation.

Warriors guides and tactics on the Mists of Pandaria
anking for warriors (the oft-discussed active mitigation system) is designed around the concept of turning rage into survival. Shield Block and Shield Barrier are designed that keeping them up reliably will improve your survival, but in cutting-edge content, you'll want to use them in a smart way (that is, save them for big damage situations) rather than just hitting them as soon as you have the rage. Tanking for new tanks will be designed so that missing a Shield Block now and again won't wreck you.

Rage is the limiting mechanic for the class, not cooldowns, at least so far as the design vision of the class is concerned.

Arms and fury have a big rage generation attack and a big rage spending attack, but that's where the similarities between them are intended to end. Arms should feel more predictable but have slower rage generation due to its use of a single, slow weapon, while fury abilities proc less reliably, but the spec has more rage to spend because it uses two weapons, to fit the distinction between arms as a disciplined blade expert and fury as a screaming madman.

The intention for Battle Stance is to be the default battle stance (as the name would suggest), while Berserker Stance will be attractive for PvP or fights with high incoming damage. Blizzard's still working on Berserker Stance's design, but that's the goal.

As some of you have argued, part of the problem is the loss of critical strike with the change back to Battle Shout as an attack power buff and the loss of Rampage. Of the two changes, the loss of rampage is far more critical. My fury kit, as I've put in upgrades ranging up to ilevel 450, has shed crit like an excited person throwing pants over a bush before going skinnydipping, and it's really hurting the chance to enter an enrage. Without an enrage, our rage generation with the new Bloodthirst is pretty weak, and we can't use Raging Blow.

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Tongzhouseo May0821

1 comment:

  1. As some of you have argued, part of the problem is the loss of critical strike with the change back to Battle Shout as an attack power buff and the loss of Rampage. Of the two changes, the loss of rampage is far more critical. My fury kit, as I've put in upgrades ranging up to ilevel 450, has shed crit like an excited person throwing pants over a bush before going skinnydipping, and it's really hurting the chance to enter an enrage. Without an enrage, our rage generation with the new Bloodthirst is pretty weak, and we can't use Raging Blow.Cheap GW2 gold
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