Thursday, June 7, 2012

What Are Some Good Spot To Farm Gold In Normal D3 ?

What are some good spot to farm gold in normal d3 ? The best spot to farm gold in diablo 3 is not going to help us figure out what to farm in the live version. We will have to figure out which dungeons have the best chance of pitting us against elite monsters with high magic item drop rates while also figuring out which dungeons are close together and allow us to run several without spending too much time recreating games and traveling. It's likely that the end-game encounter against Diablo will be ran most especially early on.

You can turn any spot into "the good spot to farm gold in normal d3 " for you simply by wearing awesome farming gear.

Don't forget about nephalem valor!In order to really take advantage of a great farming spot, you're probably going to want to start one or two checkpoints BEFORE the actual location. That way you've picked up 4 or 5 stacks of nephalem valor before you reach the best farming spots.

With farming gear and level 60, you can easily go back to nightmare difficulty and pick up the same amount of gold off mobs as you do fighting inferno act I. Think about it, would you rather get one shot by random monsters and barely pay your repair bills, or instead be the one running around one shotting enemies and looting their unfortunate corpses? Buy your farming gear on the auction house, focusing primarily on gold find, magic find, primary stat, movement speed on your boots, and gold pickup radius of at least 7.

Lots of enemies in tight spaces is ideal. Once you have a decent set of farming gear that can one shot most monsters on nightmare, you're ready to look for places where enemies are easy to aoe to death.

Honestly, the best spot to farm Diablo 3 gold in normal d3 is to progress.  The gold stacks in nightmare are several times larger than those in normal, and Hell is even larger than nightmare.  In hell, you're getting stacks of 100-300 gold, and in inferno that range can get as high as 700+ in a stack.  Granted, that doesn't drop every time, but it drops enough. 

If you'd like to know more guides about good spot to farm gold in normal diablo 3, as well as additional tips for maximizing your farming sessions, come to visit . You'll also see all the other places players are having great success farming hundreds of thousands of gold per hour after reading this guides and buy safe diablo 3 gold from

Tongzhouseo May0608

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