Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Farm Zin Rokh for Wow Gold in Cataclysm 4.3

We always say that Good beginning is half the battle, so if you have a good weapon in wow, everything goes to be easier with it, and farm wow gold is also seems to be not so hard. The most popular swords in world of warcraft is Zin Rokh, it can destroy the worlds in wow.

Get a powerful weapon as the Zin Rokh is not easy, so I will give you some farm tips that you can farm them easily.

Zin Rokh is not easy to get at all. I saved up 1700 Troll Fragments and 40 Troll fragments. Not only did I not get Zin Rokh, all I got were useless common rewards that were worth under gold each. It was really disheartening. So honestly, it is up to luck. Good luck farming Zin Rokh!

Here is the strategy I am currently using to get my Zin Rokh; it is very simple and effective.

So in a nutshell what you need to know

Archaeology level 450 is when you become eligible
Farm in Eastern Kingdoms
Save all troll fragments and Troll Tablets!
Farm all the way to level 450-525 without using any troll items
1700 Troll Fragments and no Zin Rokh
I personally chose to go to 525 and to try my luck then. It really is unclear if you get a better chance at Zin Rokh if you are at level 525, but I wasn't going to risk it. However for me, it did not pay off.

Get Gathermate2 for faster Arch, Gathermate2 is a great way to help you survey faster. Every split second you are out there matters. The faster you do it, the better chance Zin’ Rokh will come. Make your own strategies.

It is very important to start at the top or the bottom. After Farming Zin Rokh for 3 days straight, here is what I have come up with

Before this picture I had worked my way up to the top. After I got to the middle I noticed that none would spawn below me. At least until I really started working my way up to it. All of my flights were really close and this was my last one. Notice one thing; all 3 are right by warcraft Gold.

Pay Close Attention, This is a Great Start
As you can see, after I got that last dig site the last of the 4 got sent down south! Great news for me, just what I wanted to happen! It took me just about 30 minutes, and my hearth stone was ready to go. I simply use my hearth stone and teleport to org.

Why Orgrimmar you say? Well the fact was you need it to level, but also it is really worth it. You can easily look at your map and decide for yourself which portal or Zepplin you want to take. Not to mention while waiting for the Zepplin it gave me time to go get my next level of professions, to increase my skills.

This gives you your best chance at Zin Rokh
After getting all of the ones at the bottom and slowly working my way up I have once again got them all together. That is not a terrible flying distance, so in this particular situation I did not hearth. I also do not think it was up anyway. I worked my way up to the top, getting several new spawns.

If done right, they should all or at least most should to spawn above you. And when you get all the ones at the top, it is probably going to be time to hearth down to the bottom again. We will see!

After clearing those dig sites and other ones that spawned up North you can see what happened. Two have been shot all the way down to the bottom, and the other is near as well. I am going to go grab this last one and let us see where it is at.

Best Strategy for Zin Rokh
Wham wouldn't you know it all three right next to each other! This happens to me nearly every time.

I am a warrior so all I have is a hearth stone. And portals and things available to everyone else. If you are a Mage or a different class with lots of places to port to, use it to your advantage! My brother tells me he uses his DK portal all the time in Eastern Kingdoms, I forget exactly where, but I am sure you know!

Have you got the Zin Rokh yet? Is it my article easy to follow to get the powerful weapon? If you have some other wow problems, you can contact us,cheap and safe wow gold is also available here.

The Related World of Warcraft Gold Farming Guide Free here:

Tongzhouseo May0621

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