Sunday, May 6, 2012

Always Loot Your Corpses To Make Easy WOW Gold In Patch 4.3

Just by looting all your corpses, you should accumulate quite a few items you can auction for cash.In World of Warcraft you are constantly surrounded by corpses for loot. It's a wonder people still beg for wow gold cheap to use for mount training, bags, glyphs, and just about anything else. One of the biggest "secrets" for wow gold making is to simply loot all of your corpses! Here's a few reasons why a little bit of right-mouse-clicking is always worth your time when questing and running dungeons.

1. It's the Easiest Way to Make WOW Gold
If you haven't already enabled the option, the Auto Loot interface option (in the controls section) picks up all of the loot on a corpse with just one click. When you create your character, this should be one of the first options you enable! Looting your corpses is the easiest way to make gold because you don't have to go out of your way to do it. All you have to do is click a button every time a mob dies (and it's your turn to loot). So in a dungeon that means clicking one button every five mobs. A monkey can do this. So why don't you do it, too? It's not only the coin that drops that is valuable – all of the cloth and other materials you can obtain from looting mobs really do add up. Even the gray trash items can add up to several gold for each dungeon you complete. You are literally passing up thousands of gold if you don't loot your mobs!

2. Your Group-Mates Will Appreciate It
Nothing infuriates a skinner more than someone who won't loot their beasts and dragonkin. By looting these mobs when it's your turn to do so, you're both making yourself wow gold and helping the other person out. The same can apply for Mining, Engineering and Herbalism and their respective gather-able mobs. If you are courteous to your group and loot all your mobs so they can use their gathering skill, they will most likely return the favor to you in other ways when needed. (And if you really don't want to loot anything – you can always pass on random loot by clicking on your frame and selecting this option.)

3. You Never Know What You’ll Find
Always loot your corpses, and always skin your corpses.Some rare and epic items in World of Warcraft are world drops. This means they have an incredibly small chance of dropping off any mob in Azeroth. Buy wow gold with 100% lowest price. Wow gold online cheap and delivered within 5-15 mins. Enjoy so cool trading here! That means an unlooted corpse could potentially be carrying thousands of gold! You wouldn't give away tens of thousands of gold for no reason (assuming you're sane, of course.) So why leave all of that gold lying on corpses, when it could be in your character's pocket? You literally never know what you'll find when looting a bunch of mobs. Cloth, green items, elementals, other supplies, and even a small chance at a bind-on-equip blue or purple item are all possibilities. But you have to loot your corpses to get them!

More Related Information about Wow gold guide and Wow gold farming tips here:    wow gold and wow guides   eu wow gold and wow guides  diablo 3 gold and diablo 3 guides

Tongzhouseo May0507

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