Thursday, April 5, 2012

How And Where Can You Get Sea Turtle Mount In World Of Warcraft ?

How and where can you get sea turtle mount in world of warcraft? As we know,the Sea Turtle is an aquatic/land mount that improves swim speed by 60% normally, and by 300% if the rider has Sea Legs. It provides no speed bonus on land, and does not scale with riding skill.
To get sea turtle mount,you should have enough wow gold and know the following tips about how to get sea turtle mount.

1. Find Fish.If you follow El's guide, you'll figure this out along the line, but even if you've already leveled fishing, you'll definitely want to make sure you've got the Find Fish ability, obtained from the Weather-Beaten Journal, which you get from -- you guessed it -- fishing. This will help you find fish pools on the minimap tracker, and since you need to fish in pools in Northrend to get the mount, it'll be a huge help, if not invaluable.

2. Watch or listen to something. This is more of an out of game tip than an ingame one, but fishing is boring. It's designed to be boring (probably because the real thing is boring, too). You'll have much less chance of going insane while doing all the fishing if you distract yourself a little bit -- turn on a movie, the ballgame, or a podcast or two (ahem) in the background. I like to tweak my UI while I fish as well -- turn your ingame music off, and everything but sound effects down while turning your overall volume up.

3. Find a good fishing spot. Unfortunately, the mount is only found in Northrend pools, so you won't be able to fish in the pools of, say, Terrokar, and try to farm Mr. Pinchy and the Sea Turtle at the same time (though wouldn't that be great?!). But that doesn't mean that there aren't valuable things to fish up while farming the mount -- take a look on the AH and see what kinds of fish (and food, if you have leveled cooking) are selling, and then do your grinding on that stuff.

If you can handle these tips well,it's not hard to get sea turtle mount in world of waracraft.Except that,you should have enough wow gold that can help you level up faster and easier to get sea turtle mount without been deafeated by monsters at the sea turtle mount ereas.If you want to buy wow gold at present,it's a good way to buy cheap wow gold at to realize your present dream getting sea turtle mount.

More Related Information on wow gold and Diablo 3 Gold  here:

Tongzhouseo May0405

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