Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to Make Wow Gold Fast by Archaeology in Wow MOP 5.0

Few players know that Archaeology is an amazing profession to make money fast in the game, in fact, this profession is one of the best one to make money in the game, especially in Mists of Pandaria, Fedexwowgold.com will tell players how to make wow gold fast by Archaeology in Wow MOP 5.0 here. It is the new secondary profession, meaning like cooking, fishing and first aid, anyone can train it at any level in addition to your two main professions. You do gain experience when digging up fragments from dig sites, which are shown as little shovels on your map, so it can be a viable way to level without questing, even past level 80. You also have a chance at finding 6 Bind to Account level 85 epics with an item level of 359 which now that epic gear is a bit more difficult to obtain, makes Archaeology slightly more appealing.

The best thing about Archaeology is that you can just do it as you're doing other things. The dig sites on your map are only available to you, so there's no rush to get to one before another player cleans it out. This means you can just stop at the dig sites whenever you happen to be in the area and make Wow gold 90 fast. I like to work on Archaeology as I'm mining or picking herbs or waiting in que for a battleground or dungeon. It can get pretty tedious going out and doing it for hours and hours on end, so unless you're set on finding one of the BoA epics, I'd avoid that approach, and just work away at it whenever you can.

To make wow gold fast by Archaeology in Wow MOP 5.0 players should know that archaeology and fishing aren't primary professions, they're secondary ones, you can learn both of them plus cooking and STILL get another primary profession, since you're skinning LW would be a good choice for ease of leveling (since you can gather the mats yourself) or if you don't care about profession bonuses (crafting professions give +80 primary stat bonuses, such as lw's +130 agi wrist enchant instead of the +50 enchant, whilst gather professions such as skinning/mining only give 120 of a secondary stat) you could go mining or herbalism for gathering more stuff to sell.

Also, a few of the keystones are requirements of daily dungeon quests that if completed, give the whole party a dungeon specific buff. Only an Archaeologist can complete the quest, but since everyone can train in Archaeology and since the majority of players find the new dungeons and heroic dungeons are a little difficult, a +10% damage bonus can be pretty appealing!

If players are searching ways on how to make wow Pandaria gold fast by other professions, they can visit on Fedexwowgold.com for more information.

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